Keys to Remember when Checking a Mid-End Housing

Despite the existing problem with the Covid Pandemic, more and more Millenials are still buying homes for themselves or their families. Millennials are ending their leases, moving out, and buying houses in larger numbers. In fact, they make up the fastest-growing segment of buyers today, according to some reports.

As a general contractor in Davao, Argus Builders believes that a lot of earning millennials are now purchasing mid-end houses. Argus Builders Project Engineer June Gemang said millennials are changing the home-buying process.

“In our early years, our parents usually choose low-cost housing to save more money and invest on later expenses like children’s education, insurances, etc... This generation mostly gives more value in their homes,” Engr. Gemang said.

She said many people right now are considering home quality as one of their priorities in choosing housing purchases as people are now focused on personal growth and assets which includes purchasing a house for themselves of great quality and has enough space for their personal interior endeavors.

 So what do you need to consider aside from the finances?


You have to assess whether the price of your mid-end house actually is worth the size of the lot. Many people give little thought to the size of the lot the house sits on. Within a neighborhood, the lot sizes might be fairly similar. Once you’re going to showings and looking at what’s available, you’ll soon see if you have a clear preference of large or small, corner or interior.

“Check the lot description and dimensions with your realtor first and foremost,” Engr. Gemang said.

She added that if your lot has an extra space that is buildable, you could possibly add another building like an extra garage, workshop, or you might split the property, build a second home and sell it, or sell the lot as is.


You would want to find a location that allows easy access to the places you frequent the most like work, school, shopping, recreation, place of worship, friends, and family. Look for easy access to the main roads and check traffic flow.

“Checking this out before a purchase can help save you from hassles getting out of the neighborhood and onto the main thoroughfare or from an unreasonably long commute,” Engr. Gemang said.


Prioritize checking whether the number of bedroom and bathroom spaces actually fits your lifestyle and preference, she said.

Each family or individual will have an idea of how many bedrooms they would like. Most people will want at least two, and if there are children, the number increases.

“Some families like their kids to share bedrooms, while others like separate bedrooms for each to accommodate different bedtimes and study habits. If you have regular visitors for any length of time, it’s nice to have a bedroom that is designated as a guest room,” Engr Gemang said.

There are actually many things to consider before jumping to a decision in buying a house. Sometimes it is better if you consult professionals such as design and build service provider Argus Builders, to make sure you are getting the best out of your hard-earned money.

Argus Builders offers complete construction management and service with a team of engineers, architects, and suppliers ready to make your dream house a reality.

Make sure to choose Argus Builders for a safe and beautiful house right in your pocket. Reach us now at or call us at +639176267175 NOW.


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