Argus Builders Impacting Tourism Industry During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Tourism sustains millions of livelihoods that the thought of all tourist spots abruptly ceasing operations could lead to a drastic drop in economic sustainability. A lot of families that depend on tourism would be left hungry. Tours, resorts, restaurants, and many more recreational activities would be suspended. 

But, we’re here.

This crisis became an opportunity to rethink, reconceptualize and ponder on how tourism actually interacts with our society mentally and economically. As a Davao Construction Company that caters from design to turnover and even maintenance, our projects in Davao Oriental are tourist spots that were built and designed with one key goal in mind: socio-economic sustainability. Here are some of them:


Aliwagwag Falls Eco Park

The Aliwagwag Falls is a symbol of life source and life fountain for the Mandaya tribe of Cateel. The Typhoon Pablo stormed the Aliwagwag falls to a wreck. Despite that, with the initiatives of the local government and the community, they were able to find us a Building Construction Company ready to bring the falls to its glorious state.

Everything from the lounging areas, hanging bridge, and even to the amazing landscaping of the place was built by Argus. All in all, it was a successful project. The ecopark gained influx upon influx of tourists especially during its prime in 2016. It became an iconic family destination especially for non-residents who wanted to witness the natural charm of the falls and landscaping. 

Davao Oriental Welcome Park

Red brick and a big Davao Oriental signage, that is the one of the remarkable landmarks on the starting boundary of Davao Oriental. Pictures of the big signage, your experience at the park and enjoying the food stalls records as your starting journey in Davao Oriental.

Who could have known that was the trick on starting a prosperous start for Davao Oriental. It has provided the locals a chance to start a small business that overflows with a lot of hungry motor riders just on their regular stroll for a hot cup of chocolate.

Before the growing tourist spot, the mission was to attract people to the inner park and sight of the Municipality of Banaybanay.  The problem was to get to the park. It is not very easy to locate even if it is just near the highway where a lot of cars pass. The solution was the attractiveness of red bricks, a big magenta signage, and a restaurant with classy high tables.

Building A Community Not Just Buildings

Even at the sight of a seemingly post-pandemic situation, traces of the main problem could still persist. Protocols have slowly become lenient and a bit open to tourism. However, a lot of restrictions  are still followed at tourist spots. The most we can do right now is cling onto the faint spark of hope that these tourism sites will soon welcome their well-deserved crowd again.

Argus Builders is a top construction company in Davao City known for its high-quality construction services focused on projects that drive local socio-economic growth. Our team is composed of dedicated engineers, architects, and skilled workers committed to deliver projects that boast top notch quality, cost-efficiency, and reliability. Planning for a new project? Contact us now


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